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  • [Zurückgezogen][Application] minatoDatum15.01.2011 23:05
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen][Application] minato

    the truth is , panku eat evrything on his own

  • [Abgelehnt][Bewerbung] AlpiDatum15.01.2011 16:00
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Abgelehnt][Bewerbung] Alpi

    i dont have a girlfriend :D . i just wanted to know if you were single..... <3 call me hotline number

  • [Abgelehnt][Bewerbung] AlpiDatum14.01.2011 16:00
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Abgelehnt][Bewerbung] Alpi

    ich bin alpi der kleine krokodil :D hey alpiiii whats up . did you got a girlfriend?

  • [Zurückgezogen][Application] minatoDatum06.01.2011 23:11
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen][Application] minato

    hmm. i am realy childish sometimes . sometimes i got nothing to do, so i begin to block a race-server . or i begin to block evryone in lost, so they can not have a nice game . and in the most cases, someone join me and we make fun. i like insult someone saying words like : ' noob!' or 'retard' just for fun . i like to fun-kick in servers.

    well , i do all this things when i am bored and got nothing else to do.

    but: i can be also so serious like you do. i mean: i was also in a clan , i know how this stuff works: ' respect for leader blablabla ' and respecting the rules of the clan ( this is logic) .
    it is not needed to be always serious. omg, why do i have to be scared of saying something wrong? it is an application, do i need to lick the ass of someone? i just try to be myself . i consider all the people of this clan like friends for me, so you may get insulted or i make bad jokes on you... for fun , not with the meaning to let you angry.

    see blizzard. i like blizz realy much . he is good friend in tw and i care about him. i am sure he did not angry about my post in his application... because we just make fun with such things.
    i dk what it means to have respect for the leader . maybe because i never considered narayan like a leader, but like a friend of me.
    do i need to care about my words? do i need to be scared because i may say something that let gerbrun angry? i will just threat you all like friends . like i did till now in teeworlds i will do in future . i am always myself . the minato you maybe saw 5 minutes in teeworlds , is the same minato you will see in teeworlds for the folowing 2 years.

    this is the explanation about my personality.

  • [Zurückgezogen][Bewerbung] BlizzardDatum06.01.2011 02:15
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen][Bewerbung] Blizzard

    ahhahahahahahahhaahahahahahah . 'blizzard ist nicht arrogant'. :DDDDDDDD . how long did you think about it?

    anyways . LET THIS NOOB JOIN PLEAS....

    ok lets evaluate him: he is an ashole , he got completely no skill in ctf4 and all the maps expect lost . the only reason why he is good in lost is because he use dyn and is a bit lucky. he is a flamer ( not with me) . he think he the best player of lost ( he just 'think' it) but he isn't. much time he change name when he lose a game , or just leave it( he dont do this with me). he is arrogant, not intelligent , his brain is a potato and he break balls sometimes .

    but see also this points : he has no life--> he can be very active. ..... he can camp --> only thing you need to do faceclan xD ..... he is funny( okay , only because he insult other people. WHO CARES? HE IS FUNNY! )

    conclusion : let him join. he would make the clan only a little bit worse , not so much .

    come on ... let him join xD . but 1st me then him . 1ST MINATO THEN BLIZZARD , NOT 1ST BLIZZARD THEN MINATO... .
    goodluck with your application blizz! ;)

  • [Zurückgezogen][Application] minatoDatum06.01.2011 02:03
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen][Application] minato

    because i have a life ^^ . i will try to be more often with you . in any case : 'realy thanks' . i see you and miss me , you maybe care about me.... you are a good friend. let me in the clan and lets enjoy our friendship even more ;) .

    and now the serious stuff:

  • [Zurückgezogen][Application] minatoDatum29.12.2010 02:32
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen][Application] minato

    yeah , i am proud of myself

  • [Zurückgezogen]Dians bewerbung <3 Datum29.12.2010 02:29
    Foren-Beitrag von minato im Thema [Zurückgezogen]Dians bewerbung <3

    realy bad application, you should make a new one :D

  • [Zurückgezogen][Application] minatoDatum29.12.2010 00:05
    Thema von minato im Forum Bewerbungen

    ~ Whats your Ingame-Nick? minato

    ~ How old are you? 17

    ~ When did you start playing Teeworlds? 14

    ~ Which names did you have? --> EVERY names! minato and mini

    ~ In wich clans have ever been? (Funclans too) --> Every clan! i am in afro ( family like xyz) , and i was in fogland

    ~ Where did you write an application? --> EVERY application! fogland

    ~ Why did you left your last clans? --> Please say every reason because i wanted a change , i wanted a more active clan , and couldnt get this in fogland

    ~ How long have you been in your previous clans? 2-3 years? i dont remember so good


    .. TEEWORLDS ..

    ~ How long do you play Teeworlds a day? (guess) half hour - 1.5 hours

    ~ Are you a 1on1 player or a teamplayer? i dont care about this details

    ~ Do you play with dyn-cam, without or with a bind? always dyn

    ~ Describe your gameplay exactly as possible. (Aiming, Movement, Flagrunnen, Cleanen, Attack, Def, ceep middle clear, etc...)

    i often switch mousesens . if i dont switch for a week then this results :

    map ctf4 : my moves are not fast. my aim hmm , i think it is good . capture the flag : i am slow in the last piece of the map. i am an attacker (and prefer this position) , but i would be able to stay def or middle

    map lost: i am fast , i hit almost evrything . i always atk in lost , and i do my job well.

    pirates and all other maps : i suck!

    ~ What are your strengthen and weakness? (Aiming, Movement, Flagrunnen, Cleanen, Attack, Def, ceep middle clear, etc...)
    thanks to the dyn is aiming my strengten point.

    ~ Do you camp or flame sometimes?
    i hate to camp, it is just not compatible with my playstyle. and i neighter flame

    ~ Did you ever have anything to do with bots?? --> Have you ever use one? i never used bot

    ~ Wich maps do you play/you can play well/Do you think you can play (No half things.)? in lost i think i am very good

    ~ Wich maps do you play/you can play well/do you think you can play (No half things.)?in ctf4 i think i am an ordinary player like you all

    ~ Whats your favourite map? i would be happy if evryone play lost , but because its always empty , i got no more a favorite map :)

    ~ Are you allround? That means do you play other mods or maps or do you learn them (fast)? i am open to evrything


    .. [...(-.-)...] ..

    ~ Why do you want to join us and no other clan? you are polite ( i am not always polite xD ) , you never flame and dont bot. but most important reason : i like the members

    ~ Do you know that your applicationtime can be very long? --> is it okay for you? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , i hate applications :)

    ~ I help face with…? (Graphic knowledge, mapper, webdesigner, server, skill...) icecream?

    ~ Are you loyal to a clan? always

    ~ Do you have any servers? no

    ~ Are you active in forum? yes

    ~ What do you think about the community in/of Face? nice and polite members

    ~ Who are (K)night, Gerbrunn and kdunken. What do they / what can they do? i just know gerbrunn ( i played sometimes with him) he is the founder . nierok told me he is the same person as kdunken. this is all i know...

    ~ Write here the best joke you know
    i should open a second application for the jokes ^^

Inhalte des Mitglieds minato
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Beiträge: 13

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